Tax and Accounting Compliance in Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP

Generation of federal, state and municipal obligations and calculation of taxes. All in the cloud and fully integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Consistent information to keep your company in compliance with Brazilian tax legislation without headache!

Integration of Avalara’s Tax Compliance solution with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP for tax and accounting compliance in Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP.

Developed by GSOURCES team on Microsoft platform and fully integrated with Dynamics 365, the connection to Avalara solutions is performed automatically and safely through APIs.

Scalable and always up to date solution for tax and fiscal peculiarities of Brazilian market.

Avalara Tax Compliance

More important than correcting something wrong is having the opportunity to keep your entire database up to date with each change, whether it is in the tax situation of the customer or supplier or the taxation of products and services.

It is not enough to deliver information. They must be consistent to keep your business in compliance with Brazilian tax law.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP, when integrating with Avalara Tax Compliance, through GSOURCES extractor, which automatically makes available fiscal and accounting information, enables the calculation of taxes and generations of federal, state and municipal obligations to be sent to the tax authorities, such as: EFD, ECD, EFD-Contributions, ECF and EFD-Reinf events.

Avalara Tax Docs Monitor

A complete solution for managing and validating your Electronic Invoices (NF-e), Electronic Transportation Knowledge (CT-e) and Service Invoices (NFs-e).

The tool performs the search and management of your Electronic Invoice, Service Invoice and Electronic Transportation Knowledge XMLs, including the past, automating processes that are currently being performed manually in your company, minimizing tax risks and time, increasing your productivity.

In real time, you can monitor all XMLs issued against the company and their cancellations at SEFAZ, as well as monitor the operation and validation of processes such as NFe recipient manifestation, XML integrity check, generated correction letter, validation registration of the partner in the IRS and Sintegra, integration of physical and tax receipt with the ERP, keeping 100% of tax documents stored in just one place.

Avalara Auditor Digital

Through accurate diagnostics, the Digital Auditor enables the anticipation of inconsistencies in the process of filing tax obligations. Simplicity, speed and accuracy are features of this solution, which increases the quality of information and reduces tax risks through the application of technology and processes unique in the market.

The tool validates the data contained in the ancillary obligations and, together with Tax Docs Monitor, verifies the bookkeeping of all NF-es received with the generated SPED Fiscal – EFD files. There are also several crossings between obligations to ensure that there is no divergent information being delivered to the tax authorities, avoiding fines and assessments.

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft ERP is designed to provide unified, real-time visibility into business and financial operations for better, faster decisions.

Dynamics 365 enables global financial management with automated processes to increase efficiency while reducing operating expenses and financial complexities.

With Dynamics 365, your operations can go from being reactive to proactive, simplifying manufacturing and supply chain management and maximizing the life of your assets.

Keeping up to date with tax obligations has never been easier!

No more headache and sleepless nights. Complete the form below and one of our specialists will contact you. Find out how we can help your business stay tax and accounting compliant in Microsoft Dynamics 365 easily, quickly and automatically.

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