Business Intelligence

Information is one of your business most valuable assets that properly reported, analyzed and interpreted, can drive executives and managers to strategic and tactical decisions for the organization´s best performance.

Business intelligence leverages software and services to transform business data into such valuable information through resources and tools that access and analyze data sets from internal and external sources, presenting analytical findings in reports, summaries, dashboards, graphs, charts and maps. BI enables for consistent and detailed insight of the business state.
After all, this is what should be expected as a result from information systems, other than just operational productivity and compliance.

Our Business Intelligence team is ready to help bringing this out of your organization´s variety of data sources, through a taylor-made project starting from their structure and contents analysis against the requirements for the different levels of decision making within your business, through the design and feed plan of a multidimensional data warehouse, from where Microsoft Power BI will be implemented to generate comprehensive, objective, visual and interactive intelligence channels to be accessed and manipulated by your executives and managers.

If your company uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, we´ll place the Power BI objects into Workspaces, enabling users to stay within one application for all their business activities.

Main Benefits:

Delivery and integration of relevant and useful business information within all departments inside the organization

Detect significant events and identify/monitor business trends in order to adapt quickly to the changing environment and scenario


Improve the decision making processes at all levels of management and improve your tactical strategic management processes

Let´s talk

Have questions or concerns? Let´s talk!
One of our specialists can provide you more information about Business Intelligence.

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