Business Assessment

How to make a diagnosis and determine the scope of ERP implementation, considering the integration of areas and intelligence requirements?

How do you nurture people’s engagement and contribution in the various process areas since the begining so that your ERP is well accepted and used by everyone?

Whether you are implementing, upgrading or replacing an ERP, needing a diagnosis for optimization and improvement purposes, or wisely planning to provide your managers with a strategic BI project, a comprehensive assessment of your business processes, systems and reporting capabilities, is key to your plan´s success and efficiency.

In the ERP implementation methodology, a Business Assessment is the set of activities that generate the Analysis phase deliverables. A Business Assessment helps you build a solid and stronger foundation for your ERP implementation, with future state process flows that match the capabilities of Dynamics AX or 365. That´s why it is so important to have a Business Assessment done before you plan the next phases.

Our specialists will help you plan, drive and execute a Business Assessment just right to your business context, combining their great experience and expertise with your company´s facts, towards an objective analysis pointing out weaknesses, strengths, risks and opportunities of the current solutions whose information feed your operations and management.

In addition, during the Business Assessment activities and workshops, your team will feel stimulated and engaged for the changes, which is essential for a successfull implementation.

Want to know how we can help your business?

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Before we start any implementation, we begin by taking stock of how your organization is today and the goals you want to achieve. This process helps us mitigate risks by ensuring that your teams and processes are ready for the change that will come with the new solution.

It is very important to be sure that each solution that we offer is the best option and satisfies the expectations of our customers.

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One of our specialists can provide you more information about Business Assessment.

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