Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consulting Services

We understand business. We understand people. We understand Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consulting Services and solutions. Since 2014 we bring these all together to help companies maximize business performance, overcoming market challenges and achieving profitability.

Global Expertise. Local Services.

We have the unique ability and experience to bring our Global customers Microsoft Dynamics ERP solutions to Brazil subsidiaries, respecting their essential design while enabling them for local business and regulation requirements.

Pioneer implementers in Brazil

We are among the Microsoft Dynamics 365 pioneer implementers in Brazil!

Industries we serve

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consulting Services


Our specialized team and partners have extensive experience in inventory control, cost  and supply chain management that can help your company have greater operational visibility and compliance with regulatory standards.


We know how important is for the distribution industry to have the ability of being prepared for market demand variations. Our team is prepared to assist your company in providing accurate, real-time information to your suppliers and customers.


As customer needs and expectations evolve, retail industry operations needs to become more flexible. Becoming adaptive doesn’t seem to be easy, but with the help of our experts and the right solutions, the success of omni-channel performance can be achieved.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consulting Services

We adhere to a disciplined, colloborative approach to all services we provide to our customers, focused on high quality and ROI.

Business Assessment

How to make your organization more responsive? How to streamline certain processes, or enhance your customer experience?

Microsoft Dynamics ERP Implementation

Accelerate customer growth through global deployments, comprehensive Microsoft AX / 365 development and delivery.

Managed Services

Whether on premises or in the cloud, our team of professionals is committed to the long-term success of your business.
PEC 45/2019 and the Tax Matrix in Microsoft Dynamics AX \ 365

PEC 45/2019 and the Tax Matrix in Microsoft Dynamics AX \ 365

PEC 45/2019 is already in the hands of the Brazilian Federal Senate, more popularly known as tax reform. But the question is: what will be the impacts of this tax reform on Microsoft's ERP tax calculation engine? Nowadays, the complexity of setting up and managing the...

The Importance of Cost Accounting in ERP Implementation

The Importance of Cost Accounting in ERP Implementation

By Willian Modesto Cost accounting can be defined as a set of specific records based on regular bookkeeping (accounting) and supported by supporting elements (spreadsheets, apportionment, calculations, controls) used to identify, measure and report the costs of...

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